Redundancy series No. 3 – Consultation

In previous articles we have stepped through what a genuine redundancy is and what to be mindful of when planning a restructure. Once the planning is complete, next comes consultation with employees. Section 389(1) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) requires that...

Redundancy series No. 2 – Planning a Restructure

It’s well known that the cost of living has increased post pandemic and businesses are not immune to these impacts.  This is article 2 of our series of articles on redundancy. In this article we look at planning for a restructure. The first critical step in planning...

Redundancy series No. 1 – What is Redundancy?

It’s well known that the cost of living has increased post pandemic and businesses are not immune to these impacts.  We’ve noticed an increase in queries about redundancies which has led us to thinking about the importance of getting it right. The process of...

When can a resignation be considered a dismissal?

The Fair Work Commission has recently determined a number of cases on the question of constructive dismissal.  In each of these cases the employee claimed that whilst they resigned from their employment, their resignations were not voluntary in the true sense, and...